The Sunset Tavern (Karumba, QLD)

Some dumb-arse tourist that stood in front of me

What a bloody great pub.  I start this very post on the front lawn, but had to stop with the sheer beauty of the view, the wit of the company and the sheer tenacity of the beer itself.

This gem of a pub is not actually in Karumba itself, but in Karumba point as it is known locally.  It is a tops-as establishment and I would have to say that is has surprised the socks off me.

The beer is cheep and tops to the taste-buds.  The locals are all friendly and pretty much smile and keep to themselves.  The food is fan-bloody-tastic and finally the view is to die for (for a homesick sandgroper at least!)

The bar is wide, open and welcoming.  There is little definition between the indoor and outdoor seating, which makes for an easy transition from the indoor and outdoor spaces.  One of the great features is the wide variety of seating options, from bar stools to ali-chairs, wood tables on the verandas, cocktail tables and even plastic tables and chairs on the beach front.

With a name like the “Sunset Taven”- you have to expect something special, and it didn’t disappoint.  As one of the few places in QLD that you can watch the sun set over the ocean, this pub does a roaring trade in sunset photos for grey-nomad travellers… I nearly had to swat them with a branch  as they stood in front of me to take those memorable photos to pass on in their will.

Later in the evening, the hermit-crabs come out to play!  Yup – I had two of these little bugger as pets in Perth, but I have never seen them in the wild.  Here, hundreds of the little buggers run around freely and provide sport for the locals.  I love these dudes!

The gold here is the food- don’t let this place fool you. I was dining this evebing with a true food aficionado – Nicky Jurd from precedence.   Now she was impressed by the crumbed barra which was a tip-off by our friendly bar staff.  Personally, I have to bow before the skills of our valiant chef who was standing near me when I ordered.  I ran through the menu and he grinned when I asked for the rib steak… A short discussion on the merits of a rare steak sealed the deal.

This steak was to-die-for… I really mean it.  This fella really knew how to cook his beef.  I had the most tender, delicious rib steak with baby potatoes, veges and a TRUE mushroom gravy.  Nothing of that tinned stuff – This gravy had real button mushies and a delicious gravy that spoke of care and attention.

My man the Chef even handed it to me personally saying “this will sort you out” and I have to say that this steak, a champers and a spectacular sunset was the perfect ending to the day.

Other than writing this post.  That bit is tops, but not as tops as that steak.


How to get there:


Karumba QLD

  1. #1 by Perry Collins on 19 May, 2010 - 9:21 am

    The chef at this tavern is one of the best up and coming off the cuff creators ,he will knock your socks off with any meal you desire to order, go champ.

  2. #2 by Nichaud Griffin on 3 February, 2011 - 8:14 am

    My Dad helped build the Sunset Tavern! We moved here specially from Victoria to live up here and help my Dads friends build it! I had a great time here like the artical says, catching hermit crabs in an esky, having kiddie competitions to see who could get the most. Plus, we went fishing every night! What a beautiful place, I miss it a lot.

  3. #3 by Lillian Smith on 15 June, 2011 - 12:55 pm

    I have been coming to Karumba for 16 years and it is the Tavern and sunset and sunrises plus fishing that we come up every year. The lunches and desserts are also on our yearly menu’s plus friendly people, both caravan and locals. I even have adopted a barra at the barra farm to help stock the rivers and creeks with next years barra’s that I catch.

  4. #4 by Tiffany on 9 January, 2012 - 5:56 pm

    Great comments and photos! My husband and I have been working out here the last few weeks and we’ve had a fantastic time. Unfortunately our Work Holiday visas expire soon, so we’ll be heading out. But this means we get to go to Bali!

    Good luck on your beer-in-every-pub journey!

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